Submit a new ICO

JPG or PNG -file, size between 150x150px and 1600x1600px
Describe the project in one sentence. (This will appear on the front page)
Do not enter Presale Date
Do not enter Presale Date
This does not show on public profile
More info about the project or concept. Use case, problem/solution, features. How it works etc.
Link to Official Video: Please input a YouTube Link Only!
Max Fund Raising Goal
Minimum amount required for the project
Are you having a Presale? Choose Yes, No or TBD
Input Presale Start date if already set
Input Presale End date if already set
Token Type and Platform
Example: 1 Token = 0.000216 USD
Are there restrictions to participate in this ICO?
Please tick this box if you intend to sell to residents of the U.S. and/or Canada
Which Currencies, Tokens, or Coins do you accept? Example: ETH, BTC, BNB, USDT, PLS, ADA
Which Exchange(s) have or intend on listing this project?
List team members and their roles.
Who should we contact for additional information regarding this ICO? The person submitting a project to our site for approval must be either an official member of the team or an authorized representative with permission to represent the project and information given in this application. Proof of your involvement and permission to represent the ICO will be required before any publications can be made.
Please indicate the official name of the company
Please indicate the full company details in this section
Please indicate the name of the individual making the submission, and not an entity or company
Please describe your involvement with the ICO you're submitting.
Please input your telegram link to directly contact you.
We review every project that is submitted, and reserve full discretion to accept or reject any submission. In the event that your submission is approved: the project can be listed after paying the standard listing fee. Projects that are listed also have access to our paid marketing services that include being featured in our email newsletter as well as options for premium placement on the site.
Please Indicate if you would like to purchase any of the following packages.
Note: The Standard Listing Fee may be waived under special circumstances. For additional questions regarding our marketing options and or being listed please contact us on Telegram or Email.
Please indicate how you heard about us.